Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Calling All Greeters...calling all greeters!!

You may recall hearing the announcements for our new hospitality ministry this fall. We want to be the friendliest church in town. This new movement is just in time to serve our Christmas musical performances. What better way to make people feel welcome than to have a slough of friendly faces around campus. Julie Bridwell (Director, Strategic Initiatives) is putting out a call to enlist greeters for the performances. I thought maybe some of your spouses who are not involved in the musical could come along and make use of their dead time without you. Here's the blurb that Julie is circulating--hopefully there would be some takers in our group.

Julie Says:
We have a great opportunity to share the Love of Jesus !! The SBC Christmas Musical is going to be spectacular. I am asking for your help to make the evening even more wonderful. Would you be willing to greet people before they enter the Worship Center ? I understand this time of year is VERY busy. Just think about all the people coming to see the musical who never attend church and this is their first time that year. Or the neighbor that got invited by one of our members. What an exciting opportunity to give them a warm hello !! Ok, I am so excited.
I will make it really simple for you. If you would like to help out, here is what you need to do:
1. Let me know which day you can help. I need 12 people each day. Just reply to
Thursday, December 14th at 6:30 pm
Friday, December 15th at 6:30 pm
Saturday, December 16th at 3:30 pm
Saturday, December 16th at 6:30 pm

2. The show starts at 7pm on Th, Fri, Sat., plus Sat has a 4pm show. Make sure you arrive 30 min early (or sooner…note* people like to come really early).
3. Yes, I can reserve you a ticket. And Yes, you can get primo seating. (just come early to make sure you get your seats then get to the greeting spots)
4. Greeting spots will be assigned. Just let me know which day you can help and then I will communicate all the details (where, when, and what)


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