GOING SOLO with Sharon Falada, Violin
My instrument is: Violin--in the past I have played piano, guitar, flute, clarinet and percussion but haven’t kept up with any of these instruments. (Editor's Note: the secret is out--now Jonathan won't need to play 3 percussion instruments at once!)
If I hadn’t chosen the Violin, I probably would have played the: Flute--this was my original choice but in 4th grade the school started violin classes a half year earlier than band. My older sister was playing the violin and I thought I would try it for 6 months and then switch to flute. I never switched to the flute (I did play flute, however, in college.)
Most people have no idea that I: Sang in choirs, Christian vocal groups and bands for many years. Music has always been a big part of my life.
My favorite worship or praise song is: How Great Thou Art
My perfect pizza is topped with: Pepperoni, green olives and cheese
My family consists of: Husband, John. God lovingly brought us together 8 years ago. I have no children of my own but a stepdaughter, husband and 2 grand kids ages 13 and 9.
My life verse is: Proverbs 3:5,6
I’ve lived in AZ for: 19 years
I was born in: Omaha, NE
I drink my coffee/tea: Black coffee, no tea
My favorite kind of music: Contemporary Christian
I almost gave up playing the violin when: Never wanted to give it up!
My profession: Service Delivery Manager for Hotel software company
An unfulfilled dream of mine is to: I can’t say that I have an unfulfilled dream. God has blessed me with a very full, rich life.
Editor's Note: When asked what qualities people most appreciate about Sharon, here are just a few of the words that were spoken about her--dependable, talented, quietly strong, heart of gold, and wise. We appreciate you, Sharon!
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