Sunday, June 24, 2007

Eagle's Wings

If you were in church this morning you heard Joe read Isaiah 40:28-31. It tied together the song "Everlasting God" and the prayer time to follow. I've been thinking how the song "Everlasting God" is a perfect theme song for SBC right now: strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord." We're waiting upon the Lord for our new senior pastor and I hope we can say our strength is rising! Here's a devotional written by Kim Shoup to go along with those verses.

Read Isaiah 40:28-31 and Habakkuk 3:17-9

Once upon a time, there was a man who found himself in a very mountainous region of the world. As he trekked through this region, he came to a very long, very narrow valley which had many perils along its path. The man’s ultimate destination was at the opposite end of the valley and the only way to get there was on the perilous path. Having no desire to trudge this path, and yet having no other choice, the man began his descent deep into the valley
Not too far down the path, the man encountered a thick, swampy mud bog that seemed impossible to walk through. Only a few steps into it, the man could barely drag his legs in small, mincing steps. Hours later when he finally escaped, he was so weakened and weary, he could barely go on. But the lure of his destination kept him going. A little further down the road, the man realized the terrain of the valley was changing into a hot, arid desert. The heat from the sun was beating down on him so fiercely that he knew he would probably faint before ever reaching the other side. All he could think about was a bubbling spring of crystal clear water that he knew which he knew must be at his destination. The farther he dragged himself down this path through the valley, the more weak and weary he became.
Finally, he reached a point where he could have sworn he must have reached the other side. And yet, when he looked up, the valley seemed longer than ever and the path harder than before. He knew the destination was worth the effort, but he just didn’t think he had it in him to finish the course. The despair that gripped him at this realization was overwhelming and all he could do was sink to his knees and cry out to the God who sent him on this journey in the first place.
“Lord, I can’t walk, I can’t even crawl. I have no strength left. But I want to finish the course and reach the destination of my journey. How can I pass through this valley when I can’t even move?”
Groaning, the man fell face down thinking about the trials he had just passed and what was to come. Slowly, his thoughts turned back to God and the purpose of his journey and the joys he had find despite all the hardships. As the thoughts of the joys in his life became more prominent, he felt a cool breeze begin to stir, growing stronger by the minute. The breeze increased and so did his awareness that he had not been abandoned, but instead he had every reason to rejoice. With a mighty surge of joy, the man prepared to leap to his feet and shout his praises. Just as he began to push up, the breeze caught him up and he found himself winging high above the valley and all the perils it held. He held out his arms and soared effortlessly on the thermal winds of heaven. And then he knew he had been caught up by the hand of the Almighty One who never wearied or grew faint.

Click here to continue the story.


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