Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Spotlight on New Members

One thing we'd like to do in this blog is provide news and info about new members. Being in a large church it can be difficult to get to know people. I'm too embarassed to ask someone their name after I've said "hi" to them for the past 8 years. We'll offer general items such as name and occupation but we're also after the little-known tidbits that make life interesting.

In light of this, keep your eyes open for this new member--Benjamin Bubar. His current occupation is listed as "slumber specialist." He's relatively new to the music ministry but has been an avid music listener for the past nine months. Isn't it great when people stand on the sidelines for awhile and then decide to join us? We haven't had time for a placement audition yet but we're assigning him to the tenor section. Guys, make him feel welcome! Click here to visit Benjamin's mom's website.


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