Sunday, December 10, 2006

Friendly Fiddlers Mightily Blessed!

Last Friday the Friendly Fiddlers from Scottsdale Bible Church loaded up their sleighs--music stands, sound system, fiddles, music, Santa hats, and candy canes--and made their way to the Weyrich Care Center at 90th and Cactus. It was a joy-filled morning of classical, pop, fiddle music and Christmas carols and I'm not sure who had more fun, the fiddlers or the residents!

This was the group's second visit to Weyrich and we recognized many faces in the crowd. One gentleman in the front row was a violinist in junior high and high school and eventually went on to play french horn at the University of Alabama. He must have been the one who knew the words to and sang along with all of our carols!

Becky Nichols told the story of the candy cane and how it symbolizes the birth and death of Jesus. Beth Benson-Swain read from the Christmas story. Katherine Messer, our newest fiddler, plugged in her electric violin and peformed several short fiddle pieces. What a delight this talented young lady is!

As we passed out candy canes and donned Santa hats to greet our guests, we once again realized what a blessing it is to us to be able to bring music to those who cannot travel to hear it. The nursing home surprised each of us with a treble clef pin to say thanks--and we promised to see them again in the spring.


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