Friday, December 08, 2006

Name That Carol Contest-We Have Our First Winner

Okay, Sharon Sanders beat everyone to the punchline. The answer to the last quiz is "Go Tell it On the Mountain." I don't know if the rest of you are sleeping or what but I have heard that Sharon is a bit of an overachiever. Her husband Kenn wanders into my office once in awhile and tells me all the things Sharon does to keep busy and--WOW--for someone who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, she could run me ragged. Anyway, from now on, when you sing the song you can picture the slaves singing "Go Tell It On the Mountain" in those cotton fields. You can imagine how much soul they had belting it out in the open air at the top of their lungs.

Here's clue #2. I read this for my family last night and no one guessed it (even though it was playing on the stereo right at that moment!):

  • This carol was written by a classical composer who was forced to join the Nazi army in WWII but defected to his native France, fighting to bring peace back to his country
  • Battling the depression brought on by his days as a Nazi soldier and praying for peace in the world, this composer wrote these lyrics about the first Christmas to put his pain into perspective
  • With the lyrics focused on the newly born lamb and peace on earth completed, the poem was given to his wife to compose the tune
  • Due to recent Christmas hits storming the market (Little Drummer Boy and The Chipmunks), the composers did not believe the song would ever be recorded
  • In 1963, this song became a Christmas standard when it was recorded by Bing Crosby

Good luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Do You Hear What I Hear" by Noel Regney

2:19 PM  

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