Sunday, March 11, 2007

Cal Baptist Choir Was Great

I was there on Friday night--were you? The sight and sound of their choir and orchestra was really quite stunning upon entrance to the chapel (we were late, of course!). Their bright coral/black outfits and shining faces were a very uplifting experience. I liked the closeness of the chapel so they weren't swallowed up in the big worship center. Their music selection was very good and they really know how to communicate the essence of the music. Gary Bonner is known for his somewhat unconventional approach to college choirs but I applaud their mission and enthusiasm. Who can shoot down 110 bright college students who choose to spend their weekends singing for the Lord? The chapel was nicely full (may 150?) but I was wishing more choir and orchestra people could have made it to hear the concert. Hopefully if they come back in the future we can have more advance notice and a better turnout.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two important principles need to be kept in mind here. These have always worked for me over my 70+ years. First, planning far in advance & communicating non-stop will always increase involvement. Second, involvement in any volunteer organization is based on personal interest, support from members & leaders, and not demands to perform.

2:15 PM  
Blogger Tammy said...

Point well taken--that's very sound advice. I knew in typing the article that the short notice was most likely the biggest barrier for many people's attendance. I was playing a bit of the "devil's advocate" position. As for our attendance percentage, I completely understand our group is volunteer. I guess for me, I feel maybe people aren't aware of the struggle each week to effectively communicate the music when our choir is too small to be heard. The other factor in the attendance percentage is the 2-service option which people are utilizing this year.

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CBU choir/orchestra were awesome. Such a blessing to those that did attend. Another visit in the future would be worth the effort to get them and worth the effort for those who choose to attend.

On your original word...transition...this too shall pass.

You keep doing what you do best, playing the piano/organ, etc. and encouraging all of us through this blog.

Thank you for your effort.

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the Cal Baptist choir. I also was previleged to have two girls, who were in the orchestra stay with us on Friday. I feel not enough publicity was sent out. Until the week before did I pay attention as to who this choir was, since I had never heard of them before. When they return for a return visit this next year, I'm sure to the ones who were in attendance at the concert, will be spreading the word of the wonderful success this choir has had the past four years. My request is, in their next performance at SBC, please share their music on Sunday morning.


3:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an idea that might improve communication, since this seems to be a thread in all these blogs. At choir practice, ask for response to a yes/no question the staff needs an answer to. Maybe you could start with: "Are any of you haveing difficulty viewing the song words projected on the backscreen?"
Use the answer to involve choir members in finding solutions & increasing involvement.

7:36 AM  

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