Tuesday, April 24, 2007

GOING SOLO with Emily Taranta, Viola

I’ve been in the SBC Orchestra for: off and on since the fall of 2003

My instruments are: viola, violin and piano (for my ears only)

If I hadn’t chosen the viola, I probably would have played the: I chose the viola after many years of the violin. The viola is perfect for me. (Editor's Note: Emily's violin was stolen from her and in her quest to find a new one, she inadvertantly picked up a viola by mistake. From the first notes, and with tears streaming down her cheeks, she knew that she had found the instrument that she was intended to play.)

Most people have no idea that I: Love reading/studying the Bible. Class 400 was great.

My favorite worship or praise song is: This is difficult as I really like lots of hymns. Perhaps “How Great Thou Art” – when it is played at the “right” tempo.

My perfect pizza is topped with: I am not a pizza person and am content to eat it once a quarter or when in Boston or Chicago.

My family consists of: Four children. Two boys and two girls. The older three are graduated from college and have “real” jobs. Yea!! (Editor's Note: Emily's son, Ethan, just left for his 3rd tour of duty in Iraq and serves with the First Reconnaissance Battalion of the Marine Corps.)

My life verse is: The verses change but several are Psalm 34 (in the Living Bible version), Philippians 1:9-11, Romans 8:38-39, 2 Peter 1:2-8.

I’ve lived in AZ for: I am a native and have been in Arizona thirteen years in this latest stretch. Most of my adult life I lived in other states.

I was born in: Springerville, AZ

I drink my coffee/tea: I never acquired the taste for coffee or tea. I am a water drinker.

My favorite kind of music: classical, musicals and lately Johnny Cash

My profession: CPA/financial analyst

An unfulfilled dream of mine is to: do a walking tour of Israel, climb Mt. Whitney.


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