Thursday, September 07, 2006

Orchestra Ready to Make Beautiful Music Together

What a fabulous first night for the SBC Worship Orchestra! We're back in full force and last night welcomed 3 new violinists, 1 keyboardist, 1 tuba player (and she's a female!) and one saxophonist to the family. Thank you to all of you who encouraged and cajoled these musicians into joining us.

A special welcome to our fabulous guest conductor, Bruce Pearson. We'll do a full fledged interview and article on Bruce in the very near future, but for now here are a few highlights about this talented man:
* he is an internationally known author, composer, clinician and conductor
* he is best known for his authorship of 2 of the most influential publications for beginning band and jazz band instruction
* he has taught at all educational levels for more than 30 years

Bruce will be in town next week for 4 days and is eager to get to know his fellow musicians, so if you did not sign up for a meal with him next week, please contact Ann Sandford to find out when he is free. Rumor has it that the entire violin section is meeting him for lunch at The Claim Jumper next Friday. And that group has been known to have a few opinions! Whatever your passion for worship, Bruce would love to hear about it.

Enjoy another Sunday morning worshipping from the pews and get ready for our debut on Sunday, September 17th!
- Beth Benson-Swain


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