Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Top-Notch, High Dollar Entertainment

At the recent Town Hall Pizza Party I was pleased to announce that, in spite of us being new at all these jobs, we seemed to have done an outstanding work with the budget. As a result, we had money left over in the budget to hire some professional entertainers who specialize in town hall entertainment. Because they're so professional, they have extremely expensive instruments. You'll notice their garden hoses, funnels, and mouthpieces are all top-of-the-line. Just like the Diamondbacks and Suns, Scottsdale Bible goes after only the best, most experienced musicians for their "Star Spangled Banner." We were fortunate to have the group "The Four Horns of the Apocolypse" (-2+1) provide our opening national anthem. Thank you Greg, Dean and Stacy for providing this musical rendition for our Town Hall Pizza Party. If you missed it, you'll have to hope you can catch them at a professional sporting event in the future. We'll keep you posted...


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