Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Complete Worship - Part 1 -- Serving

Well it's apparently feast or famine in blogland. And right now we are feasting with Susan's prayer-provoking updates on the tragic situation in California and my late-night rambling thoughts. However, I wanted to share with you some thoughts which grew out of a really great message John Politan gave a number of years ago addressing the three aspects of worship -- Serving, Communion and Giving. Beginning today, over the next week or so, I'll post the devotionals that grew out of that message. Hope you find it meaningful and maybe even a little bit fun.

Read John 13:12-17

The waitress picked up her tray and with a spring in the step of her very tired feet, headed over to the table where her newest customers sat. Her naturally sunny disposition beamed forth, “Hi folks. Welcome to JC’s Diner, the home of heavenly portions. How are ya’ll doin’ today? My name’s Mary, and it’s a joy for me to wait on ya’ll today.” The customers, not used to such exuberance in all-night diner staff simply stared at her in a moment of surprise. Mary, undeterred by their quizzical looks, just kept going. “We’ve got several specials today. First, there’s a lamb stew, so tasty you may think about passing over dessert. But don’t. Then there’s the barley casserole, gleaned from the Owner’s personal recipes. But our most popular item is the Purple Plate Special. That’s the bread and wine tray. It may not seem like much to ya’ll right now, but it’s very fillin’. AND the price is right – it’s free!”

The customers, still looking somewhat confused by this humble waitress’ enthusiasm and by the unusual fare offered, asked for a few minutes to think it over. “Okee-dokee, ya’ll think it over. But try not to take too long. The Owner’s been talking about closing the diner here real soon. But we’re never too sure when that’s gonna be. I’d hate for ya’ll to miss out on the meal of a lifetime.” The customers were surprised that an all-night diner might close early in such a booming season. But not wanting to miss out on what promised to be an interesting meal, they asked Mary what she would recommend.

“I’m so glad ya’ll asked” she exclaimed. “My recommendation would be for ya’ll to have exactly the same meal I had the first time I walked into this place. My, what a day that was. I was waited on by a gal who was such a pistol. Ya see, I was a real timid sort back then. Could hardly say boo to a bug.” The customers shook their heads in disbelief. Mary went on, “Yes, it’s true! But this gal – well, she just sat right down here with me and told me all about the things this place had to offer and then she helped me order up this here meal of a lifetime. Boy, was that good cookin’!”

The customers asked as patiently as they could about the meal she was recommending. “Well, for starters, I had the cucumber and leek salad. But that gal, she took it away before I could get one bite. Instead, she brought me out this quail and manna dish, followed by some real tasty fish. But the kicker was the finale. I got some of that Purple Plate Special. You know, the bread and wine. And who do you think served it to me? Why, the Owner Himself, brought me out that bread and wine and he sat down here with me and told me all about Himself and the work He was doin’ here. Next thing I knew, He offered to take me into His family, gave me a job AND the best part is He’s gonna give me a room at His place to live in forever. All I had to do was say yes. Well, I’d have been crazy to pass up a deal like that!”

The customers were intrigued by Mary’s story and asked her about ordering up the same meal. Would it be possible for the Owner to serve them the Purple Plate Special as well? Mary just beamed. “Why, He’s just been waiting for you to place your order. Ya’ll just stay right there, just like you are. He’ll be right over to meet you. Let me just get your order in.” And with that she turned and hollered, “JC, that’ll be two Eternity Combos for Table 7.”

Food for Thought

1. What do you learn about service for the Lord from the following verses? Deuteronomy 11:13-14; Psalm 31:16; Matthew 6:24; Matthew 25:21; John 12:26; Romans 7:6; Ephesians 6:7

2. According to the following verses, what result can you expect from service for God? Ephesians 4:12; Colossians 1:10; Hebrews 12:28

3. Serving is using the natural abilities God gave to you to serve Christ. What do you feel are your natural abilities and how are you fulfilling 1 Peter 4:10 by using them to serve Christ?

4. Consider an act of service you have recently performed or plan to perform this week. Make note of how you will offer up the service as if you were personally serving Jesus face to face. How does this affect your serving attitude?

Copyright © 2001 Kimberly K. Hannay
All Rights Reserved


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