Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Here are some recent requests from our kormos:

----Betty Black would like to ask prayer for her daughter who was 5 months pregnant and just lost the baby. She is ok but is suffering emotionally from the loss. Betty is asking that she would turn back to the Lord and seek His comfort and healing.

----Also from Betty:
My niece’s friend in Belgum, Gerald, was found this morning at the foot of a 6 story building where someone had pushed him off. The police are involved but the most important thing is that they are operating on him right now and we need to ask God’s grace for him!

----Pray for a full recovery for Dave VanVleet (choir, bass) following a successful surgery Friday morning.
Address.…….3521 E Kerry Lane Phx, AZ 85050

----Good news, bad news for Bill Wyatt (orchestra). The large tumor on the left side has shrunk, (Praise the Lord for answered prayer!) but a small tumor has been found on his lung.. He is scheduled to have his last chemo sometime this week and then the Drs will decide when to start the next round of chemo. As Fran says……..it’s a game of hurry up and wait! Address.....8608 E Dianna Dr Scottsdale, AZ 85257


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